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Getting Involved

One of the great attractions of the Dragon class is its inclusive and friendly attitude and its enthusiasm for welcoming new sailors and introducing them to the joys of Dragon sailing. 

You don't need to own a Dragon to get involved.  Dragon teams around Australia are always on the look out for good enthusiastic crew and will be happy to find sailing opportunities to suit your availability and skills (and all skill levels are welcome so even if you are relatively new to sailing please get in touch - you will be made very welcome).

If you are thinking about buying a Dragon and would like to test sail a boat or need advice on where to sail, which boat to purchase or any other aspect of Dragon sailing again the AIDA  members will be delighted to help set up some test sailing and share their experience and expertise with you.

Elsewhere, there are several other active Dragon fleets around Australia: Australian fleets

Keep up to date with the Australian International Dragon Association activities. Subscribe to the AIDA eNewsletter.

Dragon Sailing Tips on You Tube

There are plenty of Dragon sailing tips, thrills and spills on You Tube. The following link to just a few of them. Enjoy viewing and let us know if you have any of your own training or event clips to add.

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